The Project Initiation Document (PID)/Business Case is critical to GP surgery premises development and obtaining the required funding approvals from NHSE/CCG is key. A well designed and written PID/Business Case covering the evaluation criteria required by NHSE will expedite decision making. We take the pressure off the Practice by undertaking the research and drafting the appropriate document to justify the case for new premises.
- National and Local strategies;
- Population Growth;
- Service Delivery;
- Strategic Alignment and Fit;
- Demonstration of how a new development would better meet the needs of the patients and the aims and priorities of NHS England / CCG. In doing this we would cover the key themes:-
- Analysis of space need to ensure effective and efficient design with an increased service delivery;
- Advise on design matters (in compliance with NHS directives) and specialist architects;
- Analyse the existing premises and services and benchmark against NHSE’s prioritisation criteria;
- Economic Alignment;
- Affordability; Viability; Value for Money to the Public Purse. ;
- Patient engagement; Stakeholder Support ; Planning Requirements.
- Estimate of Costs; Recurrent revenue cost to Public Purse; Development appraisal affordability.
- Proposed Timescales;
- Key Risks.